Quick Global Group Prefabricated Building Technologies
An introduction to Quick Global Group Prefabricated Building Technologies One of the world leading container conversion companies!
Quick Global Group Prefabricated Building Technologies is an ISO certified manufacturing company, based in Istanbul Turkey We specialize in the fabrication of ready-to-use buildings, container conversion, mobile & re-locatable prefabricated buildings. We are a member of Quick Global Group, which is an association of companies in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, dedicated to the provision of specialist services & products for the engineering industry. Over the years, we have executed over 350 projects and developed unique space saving, mobile, and modular solutions for various applications and became one of the world leading companies in the field of container conversion.
The company operates from a 2000 sq m plot, in Geredeli Mh. Derince, Kocaeli, Türkiye. Owned facilities include1500 Sq. m of covered space. In recent years, major international companies, some of whom are listed hereunder, have been attracted by the high standards maintained by Quick Global Group Containers. Quick Global Group Prefabricated Building Technologies employ, as management & technical Consultants.